Allie joined the Trust in 2020 as a headteacher in the North East and was appointed as Regional Hub Director North East in 2023. She has a strong track record of school improvement at school and regional level often in schools in challenging circumstance. Allie is dedicated to driving change through strategic school improvement to ensure young people experience the best possible education and opportunities, regardless of their background.
She is passionate about supporting headteachers and senior leaders that she works with in the NE and across the Trust, as well as coaching new and aspirant leaders to reach their goals.
Prior to joining the Trust, Allie was selected for the Talented Leaders Programme funded by the DfE and relocated from the South East, to take up her first Headship in the NE in 2015.
Allie has also chaired the NE Teach First Strategy Board for a number of years collaborating with other leaders in the NE to ensure equity in education for young people in the North East.
Allie has a MSc in science education and a published monograph on her research documenting the impact of parental engagement in science and progress of key stage 3 students.